Saturday, February 27, 2010

Take A Closer Look

Guitaire-shaped buildings? And yep, you're prolly right. They are not in existence. This is just an album cover I found.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Sun Tzu

would totally applaud my move.

Killed off the GG distraction by going into a frenzy but well well I did it! And only just one or two, dozens more distractions to go.

Happy 20th Birthday, Amanda!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

placebo effect

Term of the day is getting more and more interesting if my target audience was well people like me. (Since I do read my own blog, I dun think I count, right?)

Mm. I'm not writing to please, am I? Because I find myself trying to top myself. Mm weird.

Anyway. Placebo effect. I bet you've never exactly heard of it but I'm pretty sure you've experienced it.

est says:
A placebo is a sham medical intervention. In one common placebo procedure, a patient is given an inert sugar pill, told that it may improve his/her condition, but not told that it is in fact inert. Such an intervention may cause the patient to believe the treatment will change his/her condition; and this belief does indeed sometimes have a therapeutic effect, causing the patient's condition to improve. This phenomenon is known as the placebo effect.

Placebos are widely used in medicine, and the placebo effect is a pervasive phenomenon; in fact, it is part of the response to any active medication. The placebo effect points to the importance of perception and the brain's role in physical health. However, the deceptive nature of the placebo creates tension between the Hippocratic Oath and the honesty of the doctor-patient relationship. The British House of Commons Science and Technology Committee states that: "prescribing pure placebos is bad medicine. Their effect is unreliable and unpredictable and cannot form the sole basis of any treatment on the NHS."

Since the publication of Henry K. Beecher's The Powerful Placebo in 1955 the phenomenon has been considered to have clinically important effects. This view was notably challenged when in 2001 a systematic review of clinical trials concluded that there was no evidence of clinically important effects, except perhaps in the treatment of pain and continuous subjective outcomes. The article received a flurry of criticism, but the authors later published a Cochrane review with similar conclusions. Most studies have attributed the difference from baseline till the end of the trial to a placebo effect, but the reviewers examined studies which had both placebo and untreated groups in order to distinguish the placebo effect from the natural progression of the disease.

Cool right. I mean placebo effect, baby! Admittingly it doesn't have quite the flair as to one would say, Vegas, baby!

Things are going well, as well as they can be currently. Hope that's for the best. With MB103, CS803, HW111A (Who knew a pass/fail mod can be so demanding?!)



Stupid GV @ JP.

No time to study during recess week! !@#$%
- CS803 proj which carries 50%
- MB103 proj/presentation 40%
- HW111A resume writing & oral presentation (& its a pass/fail mod)

My timetabling skills are damn fked up. And to think I managed to catch 3 epi of GG today and yesterday. Oh did I mention each?

Things will work out.
You know...
They do.

and of course the most important word is hidden.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

rectangular parallelepiped

And then suddenly everything looks brighter. Better.
When there is Hope.

Or is Hope just a psychological thing made up by the mind?

- in layman's term; a rectangular box cylinder

Monday, February 22, 2010

with ref to Daybreakers

I think the concept of farming humans are interessant. It's more like a why-not? In a world full of vampys, humans become food. But the cure to vampirism doesn't make much sense.

vdayvdayvday on thursday!

Playhouse was more like a Playboy wannabe event. The playboy bunny shape paper thingy hanging around in their signature hot pink and the bingo girl with her bunny shape ears? Lol or maybe just maybe, it has to do with the viewing of The House Bunny earlier on. Heh <3 Emma Stone!

I feel like I ought to be doing something, but I can't for the sake of me, figure out what I'm supposed to do.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

ref to HW111A elect

Oh shit I totally am a Cathy.

What a sense of accomplishment after sitting down and doing the marketing electure. Like an inner whoosh kind of feeling. I actually felt electures were more productive for me. Although I had the liberty to take long breaks but overall my absorbency level was much higher than previous times.

But heck. Term is coming to an end soon. (Don't tell me I'm being an optimist.) HAHAHAH

Thursday, February 18, 2010

New York I Love You

This may sound familiar because Paris, je'taime was its precedent film. Next to come is Shanghai, wo ai ni. Hahahha no like seriously. After Shanghai would be Rio de Janeiro, Jerusalem and Venice, before heading to Timbuktu.

New York, I Love You is a collective work of eleven short films, with each segment running around 10 minutes long. Some of the actors have international status (Natalie Portman, Shia LaBeouf, Hayden Christensen, Orlando Bloom, and Irrfan Khan), with each shooting their part in one of New York's five boroughs. Similar to the previous film, Paris, je t'aime, the shorts presented together will not relate but will all tie into the common theme of finding love. New York, I Love You is the second episode of the Cities of Love franchise created and produced by Emmanuel Benbihy.

In the Diamond District, an intercultural romantic fantasy transforms the purchase of a precious stone. Meanwhile, in Chinatown, a desperate artist pursues a reluctant muse. Within an Upper East Side hotel, a sophisticated guest and a mysterious bellboy journey outside of time. After an unexpected night in Central Park, a young man's prom date has a surprising revelation. Traveling towards the Village, two lovers speed by taxi, subway and foot to meet for the first time after what they thought was a one-night stand. In Tribeca, a pickpocket finds the tables turned when he follows an alluring girl. And in Brooklyn, a moment of Coney Island bliss envelops an octogenarian couple. These stories and more are all woven together to form a colorful, lyrical collage not only of the city – but of the deep yearning for love and human connections that sustain everyone within it.

Retrieved from ""

Because I absolutely love pictures;

I particularly like the last part, where the Zoe projects all the videos she captured using a building as a backdrop. <3 the part where and the how Abe and Mitzie celebrated their 63th anniversary together. (Although some parts of the film were mind-boogling.) But oh wells. 3.1 stars


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The End

Seems so near yet so far. As cliche as it sounds.



A little bit of helplessness.

Good God.

Oh, and I actually experienced deafening silence for the very first time today. Weird to think about it. What's with our fast-paced world, not taking time to smell the roses and all. And all along I simply thought deafening silence was just an exaggeration. The silence felt empty, and my ear drums were reverberating in its wake of anti-waves.

Underneath your clothes,
there's an endless story.
There's a man I chose,
that's my territory.
And all the things that I deserve,
for being such a good girl, honey


Monday, February 8, 2010

Hot 95.7

Hilarious topic for the day: What wld you (ladies) if you had a penis for a day?

Answers were incredibly lol.

Not suitable for sharing in um ya here.


If we ever meet again

Poof! And there goes 15%.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Levi's Marketing

These were shown during MB103 lecture today as an example of Market Segmentation.


Lol. But seriously good marketing technique. Something the consumers will always remember. Meanwhile I found this too:

Cool albeit the underlining sexual message.

And hahahha D&G has quite a lot of mmmm ads. Surprising. Not.

21 things she wishes he knew

1. Please listen to me. Not because what I'm about to say will rock your world, but because listening is a sign of respect that rocks my world.

2. Women speak a different dialect than men. For example, "I'm fine" means "I'm so not fine," just as "No dessert for me" means "I'll be polishing off yours."

3. Remember, PMS stands for "physical and mental stress." So let me cry freely, behave irrationally, and eat your dessert. My mood swings are hormonal, not personal.

4. Manicures and pedicures are a woman's gift to her man. I love looking pretty for you. The time to worry is when I stop going for them.

5. Always tell me when I look hot; never tell me when I don't. And don't forget: I need 20 compliments to offset one thoughtless remark.

6. I remember the shirt you were wearing when you first said, "I love you." The fact that you don't makes me question whether you meant it.

7. I loved you long before I told you. Playing the long game is in a woman's DNA. We don't throw a Hail Mary in the first quarter. (And you thought we didn't know football.)

8. Of course you're the best lover I've ever had. All others cease to exist when I fall in love.

9. I'll never tell you my true number. Never, never, never! Besides, see #8.

10. I read your horoscope every day.

11. I secretly delight when the maitre d' slips up and calls us "Mr. and Mrs."

12. Yes, my girlfriend knows what we did last night. We share everything, including that.

13. Make me laugh and I'm happy. Laugh at yourself and I'm all yours.

14. A little jealousy is good if (a) no kneecaps are broken and (b) you don't cross-examine me to exhaustion. The right balance shows you care, and it's even flattering.

15. I don't withhold sex to punish you. Sometimes I just need to be left alone but, at the same time, not left alone. And no, I can't explain that.

16. You are irresistible: freshly showered, doing something sporty or strenuous, smiling, charming the old lady from the third floor, suited, reading the business section, DIY-ing ...

17. "Do you want flowers?" kills the romantic gesture. Don't ask, just do.

18. I'll probably be late — because I'm preening for you. At least that's how I reason. My reasoning skills are phenomenal!

19. If you cheat, I may not break up with you. But you'll wish I had.

20. I once kissed a girl and liked the taste of her cherry ChapStick. No, I didn't. That's your fantasy. Sincerely sorry.

21. I feel lucky to have you, and I hope you feel the same. You can't have it all unless you have someone to share it with.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

This Screams

Look at her,
Look at me

MIA lecture today was uber interessant to say the least. Highlight was on the revolution of magazines which all things considered came a really really long way. Case in point was VOGUE magazine and was shown The September Issue. A movie about the behind the scenes in producing what's akin to the january version of a fashion magazine.

Also fascinating thing to note was stats show

Top ten magazines/By category:
1. Women's
2. Home
3. Business and Finance
4. Newweeklies
5. General Interest
6. Men's
7. Sports
8. Automotive
9. Boating and yatching
10. Brides/bridal

PS the twitter tidbit on MSN is interessant. Check it out at: