Saturday, January 21, 2012

so this is what

smartphone withdrawal feels like.

Even though I pretty much still have internet access through my lappie, I never realize how attached I was to my 24/7 access to the world. Like that smart saying goes, how can anyone miss something they never had? Truer words have never been spoken. Feel kinda lost and pissed. Because I was in the middle of a good eboook! Now I can't get back to it! Because its in my memory card which I can't connect to my lappie!!!!!

Dumb moto miletstone 2 picked today of all days to hang, and threw its tantrum. Not that there was any good day for it to do what it did. Hang and restart hang and restart and the cycle continued for at least a dozen times. Because the owner kept being hopeful about its condition.

Sent it for repair and that took away my scheduled aftn nap for today. Boo. A tired wanting is someone you don't want to mess with. Anyway sobs much because all my data are gonna be gone. Tskkk toook so much time to download them all. But might as well do away with the 3xangry birds and 3xhungrysharks. What? They were all free on andriod market! Only 61 more apps to go. (Alchemy, 9999 camera apps, Kobo, Wordsearch, hwf, wwf, Millionaire, hangman, checkers, 4 in a row, colornote, tasklist, BBC, the economist ..........................)

This year, doesn't feel like any other year. At all. It's like all good and bad at the same time. Weird.


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