Monday, December 17, 2012

Munich, munich

Wanted to do something really crazy for once and throw caution to the wind; to hop on sissy's flight to Munich tomorrow considering she had quite some downtime there but alas the reality of travelling by air was too costly to consider it an option.

It would have been incredibly memorable, crazy, lunatic, wonderfully awesome if that were to be successful... But it wasn't to be. For awhile, we went agog with SQ, Emirates and Zuji frantically comparing prices and all.

Having an interview with AGO for a pt job tmr. Sissy advised against pt jobs but Mom seems to approve. Oh wells. Seeing how the first jobhunt has gone thus far, a pt job with understanding bosses would go a long long way.

Things to add to the Bucket list:
- Buy an air tix and just fly
- Go on an extravagant trip (not Asia) staying in luxury hotel(s)
- Make "We'll always have Paris" - Casablanca a reality



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