Thursday, December 6, 2012

Darling, let's be adventurers

Dear diary,

AM DONE WITH FINALS!! And the whole studying-mugging shebang! After eighteen long years of education, my time is finally mine (for a short time). Part I is over. And now some desperately needed me-time before Part II: reality intrudes into fantasy.

Feeling kinda anticlimatic this time round. Not that I was expecting fireworks or even balloons to mark my mini YAY I'M DONE WITH SCHOOL moment. This semester was kinda different. I did some things differently and procrastinated on some things as usual. I was actually enjoying myself during the mugging process and was pretty laid back and of course, took the occasional guilt trips after enjoying. Ah. Not my best moments when I fall into temptation and couldn't resist the good ol' dose of romance. Solve-all, cure-all I swear. Put all your troubles in the back burner. There's something about reading about somebody's happy ending - fiction characters they may be, that just gives you a good feeling.

Note to self: have been measuring life by climaxes lately. Not sure whether it's a good thing since there aren't many high highs in my life, but definitely a residual effect from reading too much happy endings...

Back to the anticlimatic moment. Meh. Had my last paper yesterday. Was slightly depressed and freed after the paper before, which was my only core this sem. Ignorance is bliss was our motto hence the unusual going out the way not to talk about the paper after it ended. Haha first time ever and the last time. I have this stinking feeling I'm gonna be missing studying for its predictability and carefree moments in some time to come.

Anyway, my last paper yesterday! It was a 2.5h paper, with the usual "You're not allowed to leave the exam hall until the paper is collected and blah blah" during the last fifteen minutes. I was done and satisfied with my paper at ten minutes before the time was up. So I was like quite calm and doing yoga internally, just pondering over life and how it feels like to not be a student anymore. Was watching the clock ticking by. A pity the digital clock didn't have the seconds to count down, otherwise I was sure I would have felt more, I don't know, just something more than what I did then...

Now... I'm a wood plank drifting about in the sea. Letting the ocean take me where it wants me. Letting the waves take over and recede.



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