Monday, April 2, 2012


Those heartless people going to europe, in europe, and those who've been in europe.


This is one of those times where one wonders how and why does time and tide waits for no man. The agony and pain that makes you feel like crap and other people seem so fine and flourishing. I am totally aware that I'm exaggerating my pain and agony and that there are so many worse things in life happening around the world...

But how can so many of my family, friends, acqaintances be heading to europe this summer? What sorcery is this?! Especially after i got rejected. I'm not saying the Earth revolves around me, it's just how can anyone else be so... unaffected? The pain still feels so fresh so thanks a lot for ripping my bandaid off. If i hear/see just one more video or one more person going over... !#$%=

Makes me feel like i've made a erroneous decision. Makes me feel like graduating early isn't quite worth it. Makes me feel so inadequate, insufficient, insignificant. Makes me feel like doing something reckless.

I should still try to apply for the cpf scholarship right. I mean... Even getting a Masters isn't that daunting an aspect. Lol

Since i'm ranting... the vow was disappointing! Never thought i'd say this, but the story just isn't sad enough. Something crucial was definitely missing in the film despite the awesome cast. I mean hello, the night before i actually teared while reading a book when the female's lead sister died due to complications in the surgery that was supposed to save her life. And the vow just didn't cut it.

Not sure if my taste is getting better or movies are getting boring.


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