Saturday, December 1, 2007

take the lead

i think blogger hates me. period.

it's either my internet connection or blogger. always! eeyucks. getting on my nerves. maybe it's this magic hour.

anyway. went for training today after near 1 whole week, wait what am i talking? It’s been 1 week and 2 days since i really exercise. i think gym on wed didn’t really count since i didn’t do much but it was quite fghfghfgh. i got muscle aches at the abdominal area, after doing countless of sit-ups. haha literally countless cos i lost count. lol. anyway. it was nice being back. all the time i was in Perth, i kept having the subconscious feeling that i was missing out on some thing. haha mm. not many people came today, as a result couldn't really do much for training either. did mainly passes - 30 each (60 per pair in total), a few drills and played street netball. street netball was really fun. a pity i can't really mention the names we used for our teams. it's a bit censored for public eyes. haha training ended 10min earlier than it should. one of the rare times, thanks to rachel. oh ya, netball court had several centipedes/millipedes around today. wonder what's up. the book which i just finished earlier on by Scott Westerfield; The Last Days, was something like that. strange but so true in the sense, everything or everybody is connected by a chain reaction. maybe there's this larger, omnipotent force that we cannot see. haha anyway (i realised that i've sidetracked, lol) after that, a funnyshit incident happened in the toilet. wanxin should know this better than anyone else, hor? lol shan't be that evil to say it out but it had something to do with cockroaches. Hahahaha

After that went for lunch at j8’s food court. Thenthenthen. Went to our usual team bonding place - shumin’s house! Met the girl (A.n.., was that so hard to guess? hahahahah) who missed training because she overslept, at the base of shumin’s flat with the usuals; chuyan, lanlin, wanxin me and shumin of course and shumin’s oh-so-cool younger brother zhiyong. Hahah so fun. Today in particular. Played mahjong as usual to warm things up. Hahah but mahjong was just the warm-up as I’ve said. Things got really heated up when playing asshole daidee. Lol. Ultimate man. Tables really turned today. previous assholes had chances of becoming royalty and past royalty had the chance to be assholes. the process was super entertaining. I think my luck has definitely taken a fine twist, changing for the better. Muahaha shouldn’t gloat. Hahaha after that was a game of UNO before I left. That was the ultimatum. Muahahah anyway. Agnes, chuyan, lanlin, wanxin together with zhiyong, shumin’s younger brother, all ganged up against me! Thank goodness I was capable enough, clever enough to foil their devious plan with my acting skills. Hahaha but I was supposed to win earlier, really earlier. They all crowded together trying to guess the color of my final card but oh-so-sad to no avail. Once or twice they got it but in the end, agnes was the one who allowed my victory. Hahaha a pity a pity. And i thought we were a team. Hahahahhaha

Yeah. Just kidding. I love my team.
Caught supernatural on ch5 just now. Dean and Sam were so suave. I missed them since Part 1 ended. Haha anyway, this particular episode was on freaking CLOWNS, was freaking scary la. Eee I hate clowns. It’s something about them, like once my msn nick; who knows what a clown hides beneath its smile. The stupid title of the episode was everybody loves a clown. -.- so not the case please. I screamed at some parts, hid behind the cushions at some. But the clown died too fast and too quick, just a stab to the abdomen area then die alrdy. And it was supposed to be a phantom kind of thing! It attacks adults, after that killing them, after which, he eats them up. Like a cannibal. Disgusting. And these adults, the victims prolly serve themselves right, they all had a similarity. All went to the same carnival and all encourage their kids to befriend clowns. My goodness! I would never do that! Anyway. Some part of the show was amusing, like the part after Sam and Dean killed the clown, or as I like to say, delivered justice, and went back to the pub to drink, the girl whom Dean was interested (I think it was a mutual thing. The attraction I meant) shot Sam a questioning look, as if saying, you need to be somewhere else at this moment. And Sam did go away, to leave his brother and the girl some space. But ohh nothing happened, which suggested that something may happen in the future. Haha I’m getting better at guessing the plots of shows. A pity I missed the first epi of Part 2! Sianess. Cos I was in Perth. Sacrifices are inevitable. I know I know. if only I can get my hands on that epi that i wouldn't have missed a single episode of Supernatural. !@#$%

Had very interesting conversations with several people just now. Interesting interesting.

[just for fun, this entry has 859 words on its own without counting this line. haha]

rarity is royalty on its own


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