Thursday, August 18, 2011

And it goes like this...

Lost track of how many times I used this song.

Anyhoos. Here I am. Blogging midweek. I have so many things to do say for example, copy notes for 316. But I'm not. Instead I'm blogging. Stating the obvious, but it makes me feel better.

Bad weather ought to be a reasonable excuse not to come to school. Thank goodness they don't take attendance in universities. Took the chance to dye my hair, which for some reason, my hair still smell like the hairdye product. :/

CS8100 was unexpectedly... Cool. And I've decided to stick with two CS electives for this semester on top of my three cores. Speaking of which, I need to buy textbooks for both. Juggle 18 AUs with two tuition assignments and a possible ECA. Time will tell. Hopefully. Something good.

ECA? Sighs

Exchange?? Sighs

Internship!! Sighs

Only. The. Second. Week.

Only. Wednesday. Or. Thursday. If. You. Are. Anal. About. It.

I will survive!

Take me by the tongue
And I'll know you
Kiss me till you're drunk
And I'll show you
You want the moves like jagger
I've got the moves like jagger
I've got the moooooooveeeessss like jagger


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