Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Life is like...

A long and endless train journey.

The sudden epiphany is not at all unexpected lest from me. I should know because I take public transport to school five times a week, spending nearly fifteen h in total on train and bus journeys. (Do the math on how much time I spent to get to school each day, yo!)

Anyhoo back to the literature poetic stuff.

Sometimes you get up, sometimes you don't (because some fking people refuse to move to the centre during peak hours.) Sometimes you missed the train, sometimes you voluntarily skip the first to wait for the next. Along the way you make various transitions (like from NEL to red or whichever), you meet new acqaintances, meet new friends, or just plain hanging out with your friends. Somehow, because you missed the train, or decided to squeeze in the first, you brushed fate and missed out on certain things.
- the end

I am constantly amazed by/with myself. I actually wrote this shizz while on the long and seemingly endless journey on a Tuesday for an 0830 lecture. Who knew my brain was that active so early in the morning?

What does it say about me if I'm interested in the 25th September Sentosa singles only event?
Because frankly I think I am.



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