Sunday, September 5, 2010

(Honey) STARS

Things have been quiet around here for some time. Despite spelling the obvious, I've got to admit removing the tagboard is not one of my best ideas to date. I know for a fact that not many people read this shit, but stilllll....

Anyhoo. Back to the point. STARS has been up to its usual annoying tricks. Seriously what's the point of it when nobody drops the course you want, or that they drop it and someone else gets it before you do? And the 10-10 deadline? So does not make sense. How many of us actually sleep at 10? Sheesh. 24/7 would definitely be better.

I'm still not sure if I want HP802. Goodness. Now that I have it, I wonder why I did in fact apply for it in the first place. It's just another HW111A, another module at fixing our career mindset, which my mind is already rebelling against. Like come on, 3 years isn't going to zoooom past. And I haven't even mention the mini project we have to do. ZZZZZZZzzzzz seriously, even the essay writing aspect hasn't got me so zzzzzz. The project alone did that to me.

Interview a person of at least 10 years of working experience, preferably in the same job, career or industry that you aspire to and trace his career and vocational development and yada yada. Deadline: 7 weeks later.

Is it any wonder? O.O

At this point of my life, I admittingly have some aspirations fueled by daydreams and pure imagination. How the heck am I suppose to find someone willing to be interviewed by me? Which is like plain weird. So obviously I've narrowed it down to find someone who is in somewhat similar job that I'll be in hopefully four years time. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

Managed to add biz law meanwhile. And just so happened that I missed two lectures consecutively. How... nice. To have an official reason not to go for lecture. But see the thing now is that, I don't know what's going to happen, how the lectures are or smth. I'm just taking it cos I have to (kind of anyway) to minor in RMI.

Enough whining about STARS for a change. School has been a-okay so far. Timetable-wise could have been better, transportation-wise still manageable at this point. Week 1 only afterall. Time will tell.

M: 1130-1730; dinner with sis
T: 0830-1930; dinner with theresa(?)
W: 1430-1600; free day afterwards(?)
Th: 0930-1630; dinner with REY
F: 1330-1430; YAY EoW

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