Wednesday, August 22, 2007

free tuesday

omg. how long has it been. just how long. man oh man. it seemed forever for the past few days maybe weeks that i come home late and fall in the same routine of shower dinner a little tv and study. today, surprisingly i even have the time to update. had maths test earlier on. feels weird to not mug as in really mug for it. furthermore, its MATHS. my fave subject from past, current and maybe even in future. physics lecture was undoubtedly b-o-r-i-n-g as usual. it is the teachers? oops! anyway i think i'll even do some of my long-overdued econs essays or start on vectors tutorial later and wow maybe physics too. have the feel-like-being-productive thingy in me. hope it stays that way. anyway its prolly high time for me to pick up the broken pieces alrdy. not much time left. which brings me to how come other ccas get suspended so early? :(

also caught the national day rally speech on sunday. aww i miss my ugly betty on sundays. was hilarious at certain points, smth which i didnt expect out of MR PM. haha

i got pretty disturbed by somebody. and he/she shld know why.

anyway off to the books before i lose it. oh btw, PW kills trees more than any subject.


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