Wednesday, March 31, 2010

false alarm

So much for the heart thumping and sneaking suspicions.

It turned out to be my roomie.

Soooo ...



Not that I would want my imaginations to take on the dimensions of reality. (Learning about nullspaces, subspaces and all that makes you think everything in terms of at least x, y, and z plane.) But you knoww.

I think it's kinda cute for a 16 yr old who was orginally a Youtube star whom Usher brought in. Like aww kind of cute. Esp when the girl starring as his girlfriend seems to be a little taller than him. Oh that reminds me, that same girl seem to appear in his "One Time" vid (not the main girl though) too. Lol at last count the total no. of hits for this vid is 44million. Like wow. In his "Never Let You Go" he seems a little forward to me. Which reminded me of the facebook group, "Justin Bieber you're just 16 what do you know abt Love" or smth equally hilarious. From some angle, he looks like a potential hottie in give or take another 2 years, whereas from some angle, he looks a little feminine.

While I'm thinking of nonsensical stuffs, my brother shld go for his look. Whatcha think?


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