ride for you - danity kane
okay danity kane is in fact a gband, formed by Sean "Diddy" Combs, through the third season of Making the Band. hahaha bet you have never heard of them before. but they have a few nice songs here and there though.ran 2.4+0.4km today for pe. so proud of myself. hehehe a total of 4.4km; 11rounds the track within 2 days. 2days!!! i am super. and super is me. hahaha okay actually that was the highlight as to why i've decided to blog today, now. hahah just want to you know show off a bit. hahah oh and regina joined us for training yesterday... seeing her, well, sort of brought back memories. you know despite moving up, moving forward, (parabolic path, lol) netball is still netball. the essence of training remains approximately the same.
i think jc, besides being a direct route to uni, has enabled me to at least keep in shape. mon training, tues pe, wed training, thurs pe. see what i mean. cant imagine myself in poly. prolly be you know xxxxxxxxxx by now. LOL that word is taboo. hahaha
there's econs, maths, chem test afer cny. yay! what a way for us to not get ourselves in the cny mood. aiya but then shld do smth to get rid of the pangs of guilt i've been feeling like these few days or weeks or whatever i lost count. waves and waves of guilt, then becoming progressive waves... i think my life is running out of entertainment. like really.
gdbye. tuition awaits.
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