Wednesday, December 26, 2007

all i want for christmas is you! - mariah carey

Lol just kidding. haven't found the right you yet. but i hope i will though. when the time is right. i need my knight in shiny armour to save me from my pitiful state. i mean who spent the first few minutes of christmas doing physics man! how sad is my life? hahaha okay that was after i watched ella enchanted, but its the hols leh. tsk

christmas was alright. i think I'm suffering from insomnia. my god. but with that bit of alcohol last night, i managed to get a fitful sleep. haha had lots of fun playing mahjong, zhong ji mi ma, and 007 bang! family bonding games. totally!

school's starting way sooner than it should. and i realised, I'm supposed to hand in both physics, chem and econs holiday assignment on the first day of school. plus, that's not all, we scheduled to have both physics and chem test on the first week. teachers sure know how to make our day man. I'm so going to die. who was the one who came up with the proverb that actions speak louder than words man! tsk

Do you know that you can never find or get to the edge of the universe even if you travel outwards and outwards in a straight lone, indefinitely and pugnaciously, you would never arrive at an outer boundary but instead come back to where you began? just as there is no place where you can find the edge of the universe, there's no place where you can stand at the centre and say: "this is where it all began. this is the centrepoint of it all." truth is we are ALL at the centre of it all. interesting right? i found it in a rather dated reader's digest. the big bang is sooo interesting. oh yes. speaking of interesting stuffs, i found some rather intriguing ones at wikipedia today while doing research for the GP assignment. haha hilarious.


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