was rather disappointed after seeing the new reports. V confirmed that those ahem photos were hers and supposedly taken allegedly for private purposes that i heard were involved with Z. oh man. thank goodness disney didnt drop her off hsm3 and decided to stand by her. true that she's 19 and all, that she has complete freedom on her actions, but still.. a teenage idol for most including me. outrage was the first emotion followed by immense disappointment. why must the news come before the official release of hsm2? almost ruined my mood to catch it live.initially i gave her the benefit of the doubt. after pressing reports and buzzing hearsay, i decided to check it out for myself once and for all. i did see the pictures. i mean i wanted to see if its really her. anyway i mean, who is V? a sweet-faced, innocent looking 19 year old, with a matching soothing voice even thoug it doesnt appeal to all. at first glance, i just shrugged it off. i honestly didnt think at that time that they were her. i thgt along the line of photoshop. but yes, she is pretty damn courageous to admit those were hers especially when it was all so easy to just deny and say no.
anyway still feel glad that she wasnt drop off hsm3. i mean i guess shes not like the other disney (yuck) stars which had yucky turnout like abritneyspearstuvwxyz and abcdefghijklindsaylohanopqrstuvwxyz since she sort of gave a public apology. okay so i decided to widen my kuang rong xin to forgive her.
you're still my star! i think... (:
anyway i never felt that certain degree of stupidity until just now. what a disgusting feeling. i hate feeling inferior. okay who am i kidding, who likes?
GP tutorial was very interactive today, funfunfun. shld have more of such lessons in the future. Mr Chong was being xceptionally funny today in my opinion.
For Everyone And Everything.
what noble words. a pity Action Speaks Louder.
Labels: vanessa hudgens
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