Sunday, April 22, 2007


things to busy myself during this weekend;
1. project work
2. general paper
3. maths
4. chemistry
5. physics
6. economics

thats pretty much every subject that i take. actually not very surprising since i dun really do much work on weekdays. okay my notes are all screaming for my attention (thats just a metaphor). common tests approaching. midyrs after hols. with gp on a saturday. how nice and appropiate.

school has been so-so. pe was naturally dreading. first match of a div: 27th april.
tpjc vs nyjc. ... ...

how wld the world be if we had 25hours every day? wld we pace our time slower? wld we cram more stuffs into our alrdy hectic schedule? wld we use the time for ourselves? wld we use the time for others? wld we use it with our family?

it's really amazing to witness how someone changes. it's a wonder what a change in environment can do. Friends - old found; present kept; new made. how simply and aptly put. i realised i dun take enough photos when i have a 3.2 megapixel phone readily with me 24/7.


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